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Workers' Compensation

As a Maine employer, you are required to provide coverage to your employees for work related injuries and illness. Since claims can involve hospital and physician charges as well as the employee's lost wages, Workers' Compensation premiums can vary greatly. If you manage your risk properly, you can take control of your Workers' Compensation exposure.

Did you know?

  • You may qualify for multiple premium discounts for plans you already have in place?
  • You have a choice of insurance carriers interested in your business?
  • You may require a pre-employment physical of applicants to determine their fitness for your job opening?
  • You may specify the doctor your employee sees at first notice of claim?

As your agent, we can help! We can:

  • Maximize premium discounts
  • See that employees are classified correctly
  • Help you implement effective loss control
  • Calculate your lowest possible experience modification factor
  • Monitor claims reported to NCCI
  • Help you qualify for preferred rating

Please contact us to learn how we can help you.